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"I had the absolute pleasure of working with Josh on my game development project Slime Café. His creativity and willingness to not only create amazing work, but recommend and advise the direction it should take was invaluable and is a central part of what creates the atmosphere of Slime Café. If you are looking for a skilled creator that brings plenty of ideas to the table - Look no further!"

"Whilst working together, Josh was easily contactable and always made himself available to discuss the project at hand. Furthermore, working with Josh made me push myself, in order to match the quality of the music being produced, and keep up with the speed it was being produced at. Lastly, I would welcome the opportunity to work with Josh again, as his positive and outgoing personality made working together a throughly enjoyable process"

Dominic Sutton  -  Composer and Collaborator

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"I was very impressed with Josh’s work ethic and capability. He has an astute musical intuition that was able to fit my animation piece perfectly.  He was able to compose a piece that added intensity and suspense to the animation in question, Gaius Imperator.  His work was punctual and exceeded my expectations."

Andrew Odonell - Animator and Director

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